Your Path to Menopausal Bliss Begins Here!

Strategies to lift the fog of menopause

Start Exploring Menopause

More about us

FullJoy Wellness was established so you are equipped, empowered, and enjoy aging. Dr Nave is the principal clinician and visionary of FullJoy Wellness.

Dr Nave is a licensed naturopathic medical doctor who loves partnering with women so they look forward to and enjoy aging using hormone education, style, and trauma informed tools.

Thrive in Menopause

Thriving in menopause involves awareness, understanding, and curated solutions.

Get Your Things

Reflect and document your personal experience

Select Your Adventure

Select the health plan that works with and for you


Get curious as you learn and implement curated solutions

Lab Consultation Package

Test not Guess with your hormonal experience!

We could easily recommend supplements and interventions that for most people will result in improvement, but we can do so much more! Get customized comprehensive solutions with these offers

Explore testing options

Top 3 Lab Offers

Convenient, comprehensive, clinically relevant, and research backed testing that's effective whether you are on HRT or not. No🩸 required


Know what your symptoms mean and how to definitively address them holisticaly!

Get the deets on what your symptoms mean: hormones, nutritional status, oxidative stress, gut health, melatonin, neuroinflammation and more.

Complete and cycle

Combine the wonders of the complete and cycle mapping tests in one convenient package.

Your cycle has fluctuating hormones and symptoms. This test arms us with relevant knowledge to address you as a whole.

Cycle map

Have you had an ablation, partial hysterectomy, struggling with infertility, PMS, or irregular cycles?

Know where you are in the menopause journey! This test tracks your sex hormones and symptoms over your cycle!

Embracing a Joyful Life That Reflects Your True Self - My Passion

Nothing excites me more than witnessing women and AFAB folks radiate confidence and well-being, both inside and out. However, the journey through perimenopause can often be marked by discomfort and challenges.

Perimenopause, despite its challenges, can be a beautiful transformation and a gateway to a more fulfilled, confident you. We believe that when you feel good, you exude beauty and confidence!

- Dr Gaynel Nave -